Ciao, I'm Anusthan Singh, a developer with a passion for crafting software and web solution. I excel in experimenting with emerging technologies.
I actively contribute to the community, recognizing the importance of knowledge-sharing. My journey in the digital sphere has been distinguished by a strong interest in web development technology and artificial intelligence. Join me on this thrilling journey as I turn zeros and ones into captivating ideas, embracing the harmonious combination of creativity and technology.
A seasoned developer with 52+ repositories and 2,240+ profile views on GitHub
Featured Work
Check out some of my work!

Solution and measurement for water management and leakage detection problems using IOT (Application number 202331032194)

Conference paper `Optimizing Resource Efficiency in Smart Greenhouses through IoT` slated for publication in IEEE Xplore by July 2024.
STRALTO GLOBAL - [Sept’23- Present]
(Position: React JS and ML Intern / Developer Intern):
• Contributed in development of multiple level service applications for the Land Registration System (Civic Plan) to enable transparent efficient platform that assists local and state governments in India.
• Designed responsive pages and implemented scalable APIs and developed reusable components to enhance efficiency and reduced re-work by 20% and real time rendering for all pages using React Functions and Node JS, and other Azure cloud storage technologies that can handle multiple file requests concurrently.
• Developed pilot models for threat detection, focusing on fire, Weapon detection and people counting systems for project sentinel that used for security with AI-powered computer vision to safeguard private premises.
• Utilized the latest technologies including React JS(TSX), Bootstrap, Node JS, MySQL, Azure, Postman and Figma, Python, Open CV, and Yolo Models.
HighRadius Corporation - [May’23- Aug’23]
(Product Core Intern):
• Developed a B2B Application using machine learning to efficiently filter and process CSV data, Contributed to a 48% increase in application efficiency from 38%
• Played a key role as Core developer Intern in platform team.
• Utilized Python, Machine Learning, Java Servlets, and React JS ,JIRA
Do you have inquiries, proposals, projects, collaboration, or want to work together on something?
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